BOW DOWN (A Song for the Repentant Heart)

Bow DownWeary head
Bow down
Bow down
Weary head
Bow down
Take your place
At the foot
Of the One
Who adores you
Weary head
Bow down
Bow down
Weary head
Bow down your weary head
He’s waiting
Oh! He’s waiting
He’s waiting
In His grace
In His grace
He’s waiting in His grace
In His love and in His grace
Healing hands
His healing hands
Are waiting to restore you

© 2013 Liana Wendy Howarth


diamond gem cubic zirconia

Your love shines like a diamond
Across the ocean wide
Your love is such a treasure
When in You, we are found and abide

Your love lifts us from hopelessness
Beyond the darkest way
Your love sends light, so brightly
Sends fragrance and sweetness to stay

Lord, please shine Your light upon these diamonds
Show us that you care
Shine Your light
From Heaven so brightly
Shine joy through each layer of wear
Shine Your light
Shine Your light
Make these diamonds
Your very own
Oh! Saviour
Release in us
Shining stars of love
Bringing forth joys and praise unknown

Diamonds were not always beautiful
For once they were trapped and unseen
Buried beneath such hardness and crushed
In pain, they release glorious sheen

Lord, please shine Your light upon these diamonds
Show us that you care
Shine Your light
From Heaven, so brightly
Shine joy through each layer of wear
Shine Your light
Shine Your light
Make these diamonds
Your very own
Oh! Saviour
Release in us
Shining stars of love
Bringing forth joys and praise unknown

So let the Saviour treasure these diamonds
Of which we have become
Yes, circumstances … may be rough
But in beauty and uniqueness, His love
Has prevailed and won

Rays of sunshine now shining through
Bring love to us overflowing for others
Rays of hope sing forth with wonder
Diamonds lost, now found by the King

Sing out, sing out
The Saviour’s found us
Hidden and unseen
Sing out, sing … sing … sing
Love’s hand has found us
Yes, we’re found and eternally set
In the treasure house of our King

© 2013 Liana Wendy Howarth

photo courtesy of

There is a Wedding Dress Made Especially For You (A Little Something for the Ladies)

flower bouquet leaf

Tiny, little tulle buds, dripping fragrance pure
Cover you with sunlight, His face, a sunbeam cure
You’re cleansed with the Almighty’s blood, spotless and pure
Heaven’s gracious choir … singing notes, angelically pure

Are your robes of floral tinges, faded shades of white?
Are your veils sometimes depleted of your precious Saviour’s light?
Bring yourself to Jordan, for then you’ll be clearest white
Clothed and ready for marriage, endowed in whitest-white

Jewels of unheard colours, await your head to crown
A beautiful frock of righteousness, never to weigh you down
For He gathers your tears … heals and moulds … shapes for you a crown
Each bearing life’s own hidden gems, now crystals for your crown

in my e-book “Fragrance from the Spring”

© 2013 – present Liana Wendy Howarth

Illness Harboured Within

I wish to give God all the glory for all of my inspired writing – the poems, the songs, my e-book ‘Fragrance from the Spring’ … I could never have done it on my own … the writing simply wouldn’t exist without Him.

Illness Harboured WithinLiving in a small space, of what my life’s become
Weakness follows weakness, around this heart of mine
Each step, it feels uncertain
Unsteady and unsure
Tiredness overwhelming
Of this … I can be sure

Believing for His strength
To wash and remain in me
Trying to fathom alertness
Of what’s been left undone
Eyes … they see
But a mist descends upon my view
Pain … it flits so easily
Without a boundary given

The orchestra continues to play
Deep within my head
I don’t remember purchasing tickets
But have been given front row seats
‘Cause I can hear so beautifully
The rhythm of bells and I’ve been given
A momento to take home … Where I can
Repeat all that’s ever been played
Oh! and I forgot to mention, my head … it feels like lead

But I will not forget
No, I will always remember
That the Lord … our Heavenly Father
Is in control and always will be
Yes, He’s given me front row seats
But others, He’s placed on the stage of suffering
And their need is so much greater than mine

Oh! Lord I lift all who are hurting
All who are in pain
All who are suffering … in any way, Father
Unto You
Please flood them with Your healing virtue
Draw those who do not know You, to the well of living water
The well of salvation
Re-affirm Your beautiful presence to those who love You

Every breath is a gift from God
And hope, it lives within each breath

© 2013 Liana Wendy Howarth

Illness Harboured WithinMy beautiful cats, Louie Bear (top) and Meeko … they bring me so much comfort.

LEAD ME THROUGH THE STORM (A Song for When Life is Overwhelming)

Lead Me Through the StormWhen clouds are forming overhead
When doubts arise inside your head
Just look
Look to the One who sees
Loneliness, hopelessness
In each pulse of your breaking heart
Each pulse of your breaking, broken heart
And hears each mournful plea

Take this heart
And make it tender
Lead me through the storm
Take this heart
And I’ll surrender
New life, new love in me form

When the clouds have borne their raindrops
When the doubts, the tears have stopped
You looked
Looked to the One who saw
Cradled and healed
Each pulse of love
Each pulse of love
In each beat, each beat and more

Lord, You heard and answered my plea
Then gave more
Yes, You heard and answered each plea
And gave so much more
That’s why
That’s why
With thanksgiving, I’ll forever adore

Yes, You took this heart
And made it tender
You led me through the storm
You took this heart
And I surrendered
New life, new love
In me formed

Lord, You heard and answered my plea
Then gave more
Yes, You heard and answered each plea
And gave so much more
That’s why
That’s why
With thanksgiving, I’ll forever adore
With thanksgiving, I’ll forever adore

© 2013 – present Liana Wendy Howarth

SEND A RAINBOW (A Song for the Brokenhearted)

Send A RainbowS p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
Send a rainbow through this pain
Help me catch the falling joy
Falling colours … falling joy

Shards of pain
They do pierce
This old heart
At its worst
Feels like the
It just won’t close
On this memory
Of long ago

S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
Send a rainbow
Wash this pain
S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n … s p r i n k l e    j o y

Break apart
This lonely heart
Shattered fragments
Bleed within
Tossing tears
Amidst the embers
Of this lost, cold room
Please Lord
Send a rainbow
Send a rainbow
Send a rainbow
Please Lord
Send a rainbow
And bring joy to this empty pain

S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
Send a rainbow through my pain
Help me catch the falling joy
Falling colours … falling joy

S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n
Send a rainbow
Wash this pain
S p r i n k l e    j o y … s p r i n k l e    r a i n … s p r i n k l e    j o y

© 2013 Liana Wendy Howarth

sunlight through the sprinkler … looks amazing when enlarged


Follow This Heart LordFollow this heart, Lord
This wandering heart of mine
Apprehend this heart, Lord
Spin me round and round
With cords of love
Keep spinning, Lord
Until I’m all wound up
And resting on and in
In and on Your heart

Stand in front, Lord
Stand behind, Lord
Stand right
Stand left
Above, below
Below, above
Encapsulate my heart, Lord
And never let me go

Wrap me till
All of earth’s joys
Have left eyes
My eye’s drifting gaze
Wrap me till
The cords of twine
Lift with each beat
Of this, my heart
Engrained with life
… and praise

Stand in front, Lord
Stand behind, Lord
Stand right
Stand left
Above, below
Below, above
Encapsulate my heart, Lord
And never let me go

© 2013 Liana Wendy Howarth

Lord Help Me to Take the Time to Stop and Smell the Roses (before it’s too late and they’re gone)

(The title of the poem runs down the side)
smell the rosesLay me down in pastures green
Over clouds to sights unseen
Raise to Thee my thoughts, my words
Do with my life whatever Thou please

Help is but a prayer away
Everlasting wings will always stay
Lord, plant within me child-like faith
Pass through this dark valley by my side

May flowers and spring rain
Evening primrose covers my pain

There beside the waters still
Only Thee can be my fill

Time marches past so quickly I know
And all of my sorrows soon will go
Keep me and guard me all of my days
Ever to bring praises, heavenly rain

The season of summer, it looms
Here and there roses and buttercup blooms
Everywhere gladness and children of joy

Time it shows us what we do lack
It shows us also that we cannot go back
May we though, be given, that first love again
Ever to remember that spiritual milk we were given

Then it is autumn and cooler we become
Over our heads, knowledge loses some

Stay with me and quicken my faith
Take my trembling hand, I’ll do what Thou saith
Only a child accepts and believes
Please Oh! Lord, take me back to that time

And may Thy staff never cease to be
Near me and steady me and help me to see
Dear Lord Jesus, clear my path, my vision

Suddenly winter covers the land
Marigolds fade with the cold, blustery, white sand
Ever please Lord, You have washed me for this
Longing and praying Your mercy Your grace
Likens me to Your precious Son and His ways

The seasons have passed and they start once again
Here is new growth, flowers planted again
Earnestly the Son draws them out of the darkness of night

Rain down Oh! Lord. Reign down Oh! Lord
Only You have control of my life
Sadly I am past all my child-like responses
Even my words have grown all the stranger
Shine Heavenly Father, Thy will shall be done

(in “Fragrance from the Spring”)

Three Days of Tears

Three Days of TearsEach time your memory crosses my vision
My very world, it crumbles
Then the flood dries up
And love, it fills up
Until again it happens

When will this picture etched in my mind
Of all that was and happened
If only this, if only that
But it’s too late to change the minute
The minute that you left me
I should have done this, I should have done that
But what now stands shall be

As each day passes, the tears flow heavier
But there are rays of sunshine in between
Little rainbows of love and joy
Sent to comfort me

(in “Fragrance from the Spring”)