FAITH WALKS ON (Song Lyrics)

Inspired by

poppies mountain italy

Don’t look back at all of your mountains
Just pray, give thanks and then walk on
Have faith in heavenly Father
And on His precious Word lean upon

When that mountain rises sharply before you
When that mountain is hidden in dark, thick mist
When it seems as though your mountain is on fire
Stand strong dear brother and dear sister, resist

Resist the temptation to keep on circling
Going round and round looking for health restored
You’ve told that mountain to be no more, no more
So move on, walk on, your faith is on record

Don’t look back at all of your mountains
Just pray, give thanks and then walk on
Have faith in heavenly Father
And on His precious Word lean upon

I hear you cry, I need help, I can’t move on
This burden’s too great, it has me tightly bound
It’s all I can remember, it’s been so long
Even forgotten I was lost and then found

Don’t look back at all of your mountains
Just pray, give thanks and then walk on
Have faith in heavenly Father
And on His precious Word lean upon

You can do this, my friend, just take one small step
Turn your ears to hear the voice of your Saviour
He knows your affliction, He knows your sorrows
In His name take that step through the open door

’Cause He’s already defeated every foe
He’s not going to let that mountain defeat you
So stand tall, believe, let your heart beat with His
Just pray, give thanks, and then you’ll walk on anew

Oh! Faith walks on
Sweet faith doesn’t doubt
Faith walks on
Doesn’t keep turning round about
Faith walks on
Can you hear the blessed song
’Cause when faith walks on
You’ll know you’ve been delivered all along
You’ve been delivered all along

© 2020 – present Liana Wendy Howarth