An excerpt from ‘Battling Forward’ in “Fragrance from the Spring”

25th Jan, 2013 2 049

Excerpt from “Battling Forward”

“Push through the hardships, toils and sorrows
For the Lord God, our very own God
He reigns triumphant”

*      *       *       *       *       *       *

He is mighty

He is worthy

An anchor in stormy seas

A lighthouse when all else is in darkness

A sunbeam shining through endless clouds

A rainbow of hope

Joy in the morning

A melody in the night

Rain in the drought

Sunshine in the flood










Forgives all when forgiveness sought


Mender of broken hearts

Full of mercies

And they are new every morning

“By the grace of God I am what I am” 1 Cor 15:10a KJV

Dewdrops on the roses

The sweetness of  a bird call

Yes, He is mighty and I could go on forever …….

So break through your burdens and grasp the hand of the One who loves you.

Would love you to add to the list ……. God bless.

Suffering; but Renewed

21st Jan, 2013 010

Ever stop to think that the reason we are placed in what we think are difficult situations, is that we are spared what is happening should we have stayed in the heat of a matter?

Like a pot plant that is taken out of the intense noonday heat and placed lovingly in the shade.

To be renewed and refreshed in the coolness and stillness, out of the draining heat.

We too, go through trials lovingly allowed in order to be renewed and refreshed.

Tears last longer and are powerful in a trial.


Sometimes what becomes of us, the forced rest, a change in direction – any change in us in the heat of the furnace during our sufferings, is actually the remedy for a need that maybe we didn’t even know existed.

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And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.’

Romans 8:28 KJV

Shades of Sadness

16th Jan, 2013 091

Pain, it can hide.

Or it can surface.

It can open the way for cleansing tears.


It can leave you feeling so empty.

So alone.

Nowhere to turn.

There are many shades of sadness.

Your life can be tinged with it.

It can be released and cloud your joy.

It can affect others.

It can be totally all-consuming.

And the heavier the burden.

The closer you are to letting go.

This is when the tears will fall.

Beautiful tears, healing time and sorrow.

And eventually, joy will rise with the morrow.


‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.’

Revelation 21:4 KJV

Excerpt from ‘The Patchwork Tree’ in “Fragrance from the Spring”

19th Jan, 2013 015

Another something for the little ones, your precious children.

A poem about standing alone, being different and having a purpose in life.

*       *       *       *       *       *       *

“You have an important role in life
Dear old patchwork tree
To protect children from the sun
And inspire people like me”

Beauty is Random

My photos 13th Jan, 2013 073

Sometimes the ones who think they are unwanted

Outshine the ones who think they are needed.

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Anyone can shine …. with the love and encouragement of a friend.

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‘ ……… I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.’

Acts 10:34 KJV

A Golden Heart

18th Jan, 2013 058

There is the potential for a heart of gold in each of us.

It’s deep within some ….. waiting ….. waiting ….. as it waits for renewal.

In others it’s full of visible beauty.

And as each act of kindness is given, love is scattered.

Love is shared.

Gold needs a furnace to be made perfect.

In order to be compassionate, one has usually suffered.

Suffered the same or similar to the one to whom compassion is given.

Only someone going through this trial can truly comprehend where help is needed.

Be it understanding.


A meal.

A smile.

A home.

A bed.



A hug.


Trustworthy advice.




Non-judgmental support.

To be silent.  To just be there.


From “Fragrance from the Spring”

And Just Because

“And just because I have your friendship

And just because I know you care

I pray the Lord, dear friends to send you

Who’ll listen, love and sweetly share


And just because you’re always there

And just because your smile’s for Him

I pray the Lord, new strength to send you

Because I know you’re feeling weak, eyes dim


And just because of your love for others

And just because of concern for all things right

I pray the Lord, comfort throughout the hours

When you’re needing fresh ‘songs in the night’


And just because I know you need help

And just because I know you’re struggling

I pray the Lord, our dear precious Lord

To send a bouquet of His most fragrant Scriptures

A present from our Almighty King”


Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.’

2 Corinthians 1:4 KJV

Could You Please Help Me

Would someone please be kind enough to let me know

if my postings are showing clearly between the borders

on my blog.

A friend has just informed me that some of the writing

is going over into the flowers.

Please reply as I would like to fix this if it is a problem.

Sorry if some of the messages have been hard to read.

God bless you all and may He meet any of your needs in Christ Jesus.

Excerpt from ‘A Love So Deep’ in “Fragrance from the Spring”

New Life Bursting Forth

“Yes, the glories of the Lord shine forth

Upon a day so new

The beauties of the Lord afresh

Amidst the morning dew

–       –       –       –       –

Cleanse me also with that morning dew

The dew that cleanses time

Revealing new life hidden whilst dark

Beauty, perfection all sublime”

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‘It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.

 They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.’

Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV