heart love luck

Let my words send Your perfect love
And my arms hold heavenly peace
Let all I do, give You glory
To hopelessness, shower release

Lord, please help me to understand
The deep brokenness in others
My heart wraps love around their pain
When two hearts love, it’s all the same
But a fractured heart brings sorrow

Every day I climb this mountain
So dry, yet filled with hidden tears
All I want is for those I love
To know You, and be known of You
For hearts to be bound with Your love

It’s come to this, and sad it seems
I no longer find words to pray
What do I ask for my loved ones
We’re together, and far apart
O Father, may Your mercy fall

Let my words send Your perfect love
And my arms hold heavenly peace
Let all I do, give You glory
To hopelessness, shower release

’Cause I’m trying hard as I can
To hold this sad heart together
And there is nothing You can’t do
So I lift wilted prayers above
Believing for a miracle

A miracle in each heart, Lord
A heart of flesh for stubborn stone
O turn each beat towards Your Son
May they each find illusive love
That their heart’s needed all along

Send Your love, and heal
Send Your love, and heal
Send Your love, and heal
Each broken heart reveal
Heal with Your Spirit’s seal
Holy Spirit’s seal
Holy Spirit’s seal

Let my words send Your perfect love
And my arms hold heavenly peace
Let all I do, give You glory
To hopelessness, shower release

© 2019 – present Liana Wendy Howarth


Love your little ones, hug them, sing to them, let them know they are precious, wanted, safe.

portrait of a baby boy

Little child, it’s time for sleep
Let your heart beat rest in mine
Let me sing a lullaby
Know, my child, you are so loved
O child of mine
O child of mine

baby under the towel

O sweet one, do not weep
Let me dry your tears
Rest in my loving arms
Let’s count our many blessings
We thank You Lord for this day
That is about to close
We thank You Lord for each smile
For each wiggle of tiny nose
For every breath You’ve given us
For every beat of Your love
We thank You that we’re in Your hands
And that we’re safe in Your arms tonight

when it rains

Listen to the rain outside
Pitter patter, pitter patter
It sounds like the beat of my heart
So in love with you
Listen to the rain outside
Pitter patter, pitter patter
It sounds like the beat of your heart
So in love with me
Listen to the rain outside
Pitter patter, pitter patter
It sounds like the beat of our hearts
So in love, I with you, you with me
So in love, I with you, you with me
Pitter patter, pitter patter
Pitter patter, pitter patter

mother and baby

Take my hand, and snuggle in
I will comfort you
Look into my eyes of love
I will comfort you
Do not fear, my little one
I will comfort you
And when your eyes are heavy
And it’s time to go to sleep
Know that I’m still with you
I will stay
I will never leave
I will comfort you

baby against blue sky

Let’s count how much I love you
One little toe
Three little toe
Five little toe

O look
I found some more
Seven little toe
Nine little toe

But wait
I know there’s more

Because one day
These cute little toes
Will be wiggling all over the world
(give their little tummy a tickle!)
And I want you to remember, my child
That with each footprint that you make
No matter where you are
My heart will be there with you
Forever, my child, remember
With each footprint that you make
My heart will be there with you
And that’s how much I love you

baby small child babies

Mumma baked an apple pie
Can you smell the sweetness
Mumma baked an apple pie
Could never match your sweetness
Mumma baked a chocolate cake
Can you smell the richness
Mumma baked a chocolate cake
Could never match your richness
Mumma, well she just loves to bake
And soon, I’ll bake for you
And one day you can help me bake
And then we’ll bake for two

first christmas

Let’s take your teddy bear
And wrap him up so warm
It’s cold outside
And the snow is falling
Come snuggle cuddle snuggle together
And we’ll all have a big bear hug

I’ll hug you
And you’ll hug me
And we’ll hug teddy
That’s one, two, three

One hug
Two hugs
Three hugs

I’ll hug you
And you’ll hug me
And we’ll hug teddy
Yes, one, two, three

sleeping baby

When the sun is setting low
And the flowers, heads do bow
May the softness of the night air
Wrap around you, and your teddy bear
Lull you into a sweet night’s sleep
May my love for you, in your heart keep
O my darling little child
I’ll dream a dream for you awhile
And as I lay you down safe and sound
May God’s love, in you, forever abound

All lullabies © 2019 Liana Wendy Howarth


sunflowers flowers sky

I see Your face in the morning
And seeing me, brings forth a smile
Such a beautiful smile of love
Whispering, come let’s sit awhile

And Your smile reflects onto me
Captures love in those twinkling eyes
Shines stillness on this trembling heart
Pours light over dark, hollow lies

O Your smile brings love
Your smile brings joy
Your smile brings so much peace
Your smile delights
Each breath that I take
Each heartbeat I release, release
Each heartbeat I release

And as I draw close to Your side
Your presence radiates through me
I’m no longer frightened, afraid
You washed my eyes so I could see

The softness of love’s countenance
The enveloping arms of love
O Father, I’m lost in Your heart
Forever my heart lives above

O Your smile brings love
Your smile brings joy
Your smile brings so much peace
Your smile delights
Each breath that I take
Each heartbeat I release, release
Each heartbeat I release

This was inspired by the most beautiful smile my soon to be 95 year old father gave me the other morning, when we saw each other for the first time that day.

© 2019 Liana Wendy Howarth