HE WALKS WITH ME (Song Lyrics)

He Walks With Me (A Song)

When the beach looms empty
When the sands are torn
Broken with lost promises
Tears before the morn

Scattered shells in pieces
The rain beats against my heart
Driftwood lines the edges
Of this story, about to start

I step in time with His footsteps
The seagulls echo my cry
The sand crabs run for cover
They know the Creator is nigh

And I walk in the shallows with my Saviour
I walk where the waters are deep
It doesn’t matter the height of the tide
Just as long as He walks with me

We share words of love and listen
To each other’s plea to be heard
He tells of His love enduring
I tell of my love for His word

And as we walk hand in hand, now in silence
He gently picks up a handful of sand
Lets it flow in gracious stages
Like time standing still by His hand

We walk and walk and it grows dark
The sun splashes a rainbow high
Reflections of a perfect day
And I no longer need to question why

And I walk in the shallows with my Saviour
I walk where the waters are deep
It doesn’t matter the height of the tide
Just as long as He walks with me

Why does He care for me so sweetly
When there are so many precious souls
He turns, smiles and then He’s gone
And across the ocean His Spirit rolls

I cannot explain the love that He’s left
So very deep inside of me
He’s filled my heart with thankfulness
And on this beach walk I found the Key

And this Key has unlocked my once closed heart
And sprayed it with the ocean’s fragrance
Covered it with the shells of love
Releasing me to praise and joyfully dance

Yes, I’ve walked in the shallows with my Saviour
I’ve walked where the waters were deep
It didn’t matter the height of the tide
‘Cause my Saviour, He walked with me

And it won’t ever matter the height of the tide
‘Cause my Saviour always walks with me
Yes, my Saviour … He always walks with me

© 2013 – present Liana Wendy Howarth

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