

Sometimes when we’re weak and weary
The heavens are silent
Prayers go unanswered
For now
Tears fall and gather
Loved ones do not know
How a shadow lingers
On their loved one’s dreams
Cries are lifted, lifted
Please God
Won’t You please help me
He just cradles and whispers
Words only He can hear
Hope means waiting, waiting
Hope means being still
He just wants our heartbeat
Not just sometimes
All the time
He wants, needs our heartbeat
To line up with His will

© 2014 Liana Wendy Howarth

13 thoughts on “Sometimes

  1. Dearest Liana, I have been missing your blog … so sorry … my reader was not working for about a week and I’ve been out of the loop. Hope you are doing well and God is showing you glimpses of His mighty hand! We are in the middle of our BIG changes and appreciate your prayers, dear one. Let me know how I can pray for you, ok? sending much love 🙂


    1. Hi dearest Heidi, what a beautiful comment/email. Thank you so much for your offer of prayer. Definitely seeing glimpses of His mighty hand. One just has to look at life itself to see the miracles that surround us. May the Lord keep you both and pour His peace upon every aspect of this BIG change which will add to the beating hearts in your home of love. God bless (please pray that I will hold on faithfully to the Anchor of Hope and be strengthened by the cord of Love more and more each day). If you ever need to talk Love and hugs xxx


  2. Liana – you have so captured how my heart feels in a struggle – every line – and how I wind myself toward him! I wish I were better at just handing it to Him – letting it go! Blessings to you in the week, praying both our heartbeats line up with His.


      1. Thank you sweet, Liana. On top of my present health problem, we found out today that we may lose one of our cats. So this is turning into a very hard and sad week. I pray things are well with you and thank you for you prayers. Blessings, Natalie 🙂


        1. I am so sorry for the trials Natalie … as you may be aware I am an absolute cat lover and can feel your sadness. I have prayed for the Lord Jesus to touch you and your little loved one. I have asked for a miracle for He is a miracle working God. To God be the glory. In Jesus Name. Amen.


  3. justhappeneduponthis

    The tentativeness of this poem reminds us that He is sovereign. We cannot place Him into known paths or routines; otherwise we would miss out on the “exceeding abundantly above”.


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