As the Wind Blows

As the Wind Blows

And as the wind blows silently through
The thoughts of my mind turn instantly toward You
And I realize that through the grey skies or blue
You are ever present and making all things new

There is nothing that is too grand for Thee
You will move mountains for one, two or three
Nothing is impossible and it’s now clearer to me
For You’ve taken my blindness and caused me to see

Oh! Lord, how can I express my deep love for You?
You overwhelm me, oh! what can I do?
You ask me to rest and let Your love woo
Each and every part of me and every breath I breathe too!

As the wind blows, as the wind blows
Listen and you’ll hear His word beautifully flow
And as heaven’s cleansing rain in your life, it shows
Refreshing and healing and peace, He will sow

© 2014 Liana Wendy Howarth

8 thoughts on “As the Wind Blows

  1. You have such a gift, to be able to say what you say so beautifully: “And as heaven’s cleansing rain in your life, it shows Refreshing and healing and peace, He will sow”


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