HOLY SPIRIT (A Prayer or Song Lyrics)


When You breathe in me
Thoughts once evil are banished
When You breathe in me
Unpure thoughts, they all but vanish

When You act in me
Actions tell of Your love
When You act in me
All actions are powered from above

When You draw my heart
I’m drawn away from me
When You draw my heart
God’s love is all I see

When You strengthen me
Holy Spirit, I am empowered
When You strengthen me
The enemy is devoured

When You, in love, guard me
In love, I am protected
When You, in love, guard me
Hope flourishes and is resurrected

© 2014 – current Liana Wendy Howarth

22 thoughts on “HOLY SPIRIT (A Prayer or Song Lyrics)

  1. justhappeneduponthis

    In my own faith walk (1982) I had to come to grips with the identity and purpose of that Third Person. I felt that I was living a lie in my observance of the Trinity. The prayer would close “in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”, and I drew a blank on the Spirit. I was given a copy of the book The Comforter by Catherine Marshall and the blinders came off. He (the Spirit) would glorify Christ and bring to remembrance all of the Master’s truth. He would indwell and enable. He would inspire legitimate love for the Saviour. Within a matter of weeks I took that walk “down the sawdust trail” and received Jesus. The ongoing anointing of the Spirit is another topic for another day. Thanks Liana…Doug


    1. Hi Doug, thanks so much for sharing, your journey and the book (Is that the one called “The Helper”?) … I love your expression “down the sawdust trial” … Oh Lord grant those who walk in darkness to see and follow the imprints of our Saviour (which are laced within the sawdust left by The Carpenter) which will lead them to the cross and new life.


  2. Beautiful Liana! During my son’s recent confirmation the Priest told the confirmands that he wanted them to remember three words – “come Holy Spirit”. He said they should say these words any time they were tempted. I loved this message and your poem reminds me of it.
    Blessings, Robyn


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